Gallbladder - Pet Botanicals
Gallbladder - Pet Botanicals
0.5 kg – 4.5kg = 1-3 drops 2-3 x day
4.5kg – 10 kg = 3-5 drops 2-3 x day
10kg – 22kg = 5-10 drops 2-3x day
50kg onwards = 10 – 20 drops 2-3 x day
Start slow and slowly build up eg. 3 drops for first week, then increase second week to full dose. Remain on the dosage for a few weeks, then decrease slowly. If symptoms return start again.
5 drops 2 x day with a strong-smelling food (to disguise) otherwise if you cat is brave you can place the drops inside their mouth. Start slow and slowly build up eg. 3 drops for first week, then increase second week to full dose. Remain on the dosage for a few weeks, then decrease slowly. If symptoms return start again.
May contain trace amounts of alcohol. If you want to take the alcohol out of your tincture, then take lid off bottle, simmer slowly till water starts to bubble (only slightly bubbling) remover, then your done. This will help to evaporate the alcohol from your tincture.
Ingredients: Alcohol, Glycerin, Water, Herbal Extracts of St. Mary's, Turmeric, Burdock, Agrimony, Fenugreek