Flower Essence - White Spider Orchid
Flower Essence - White Spider Orchid
Positive Qualities
- Sustaining
- Maintaining Love
- Rise above
- Purpose
Problem Target
- Overwhelmed
- Sadness
- Anguish
- Introversion
- Aversion
The Care Giver
The essence to bring Love and caring to the darkest corners of the Universe without being devastated by the intensive, and sometimes overwhelming, suffering around you. For those who seek to make this planet a better place for ll. To inspire those in the caring professions and in volunteer service, engendering a higher perspective on the purpose of pain in the journey of the Soul.
Mind – Common Uses:
For those with humanitarian aims who find themselves unable to cope with the anguish that they experience. This can lead to sadness and introversion.
For those who are sensitive to the pain of others and feel too paralysed to be able to change the situation. For the care giver who can’t go on.
For those with high ideals who have been abused and now find life intolerably hard.
The healing enables a person to empathize with the suffering of others without being thrown off course, or unduly disturbed by insensitive acts. When this happens the person is able to relieve suffering and not get burnt out in the process. Being able to continue such work is essential for a better world.
Healing Pathway to the Soul
Suffering seems so senseless; we feel there cannot be any good in it. It makes us feel that the world is unfriendly and inflicts pain randomly. When we are seeing the sufferings of others we can feel so helpless, even when we are doing everything we can. At the point the highest spiritual perspective well help us through, not by cutting us off from the painful realities, but by seeing the benevolent processes of Life working through to reach the phases of regeneration and renewal. With this understanding we can better help and speed these processes, all the while restoring our ideals in the goodness of life.
Herbal Naturopathic/Nutritional Appointments - in Person and On line
If you would like to have a more tailored approach to your health concerns you can book in to see our Herbal Naturopath. (you will be transferred to our sister companies online booking service) She will look at you as an individual and look into your specific needs through holistic and evidence-based approach to wellness. Herbal Naturopathic principles are based on treating each person as an individual and treatment plans are designed to treat you as a whole person and not just your presenting symptoms.