Flower Essence - Violet Butterfly
Flower Essence - Violet Butterfly
Positive Qualities
- Restoring capacity
- Regain Love
- Recovery
- Whole
Problem Target
- Emotionally
- Shattered
- Trauma
- Overwhelmed
To Love again
The essence to restore oneself and be open to the experience of Love. To calm flaring sensitivities and emotional pain, relieving stress. To heal the emotionally shattered, to speed the recovery of feelings, thus enabling a person to pass on through to the rest of their life.
Mind – Common Uses
For the person suffering from the shock of a relationship break-up.
Fr those recovering from an emotional trauma.
For feelings of being emotionally shattered, unable to imagine feeling whole and good again. To gather one’s strength and emotional equipoise and move on with one’s life is not an easy thing to do in such circumstances.
The healing greatly speeds the recovery from such traumas. It calms and heals the emotions and imbues one with vitality and strength. One is then able to open up to the possibilities to Love again.
Healing Pathway to the Soul
We can never underestimate the power of an emotional experience, especially in affairs of the heart. Our attachments to people can leave us open to trauma and leave us stunned. Through healing we can reach the core of our being and restore our faith in Love and people, and with new learned wisdom appreciate Love again.
Herbal Naturopathic/Nutritional Appointments - in Person and On line
If you would like to have a more tailored approach to your health concerns you can book in to see our Herbal Naturopath. (you will be transferred to our sister companies online booking service) She will look at you as an individual and look into your specific needs through holistic and evidence-based approach to wellness. Herbal Naturopathic principles are based on treating each person as an individual and treatment plans are designed to treat you as a whole person and not just your presenting symptoms.