Flower Essence - Fuchsia gum
Flower Essence - Fuchsia gum
Positive Qualities
- Comfortable
- At ease
- Accepting
- Contemplate
Problem Target
- Fearful
- Claustrophobia
- Trapped
- Irrational
- Panic
Freedom from Claustrophobia
To be free to be comfortable and at peace, even when restricted. The essence for claustrophobia, both physical and emotional. To enable a person not to feel panic in a confined space or when feeling under threat. To allow the rush of energy and fear to be earthed so rational thought can prevail.
Mind – Common Uses;
Used in cases where a person is suffering from claustrophobia. Fear of being enclosed. Inability to go on aircraft, in tunnels, small rooms etc.
For fear of being trapped in a smothering relationship.
For a fearfulness and anxiety that life is closing in and there are not solutions.
The healing frees the mind from the irrational adrenaline response and the mind can then think clearly and calmly.
Healing Pathway to the Soul
We are always free; it is only our perception of a situation that makes us feel a prisoner. Nothing can imprison our Soul.
Herbal Naturopathic/Nutritional Appointments - in Person and On line
If you would like to have a more tailored approach to your health concerns you can book in to see our Herbal Naturopath. (you will be transferred to our sister companies online booking service) She will look at you as an individual and look into your specific needs through holistic and evidence-based approach to wellness. Herbal Naturopathic principles are based on treating each person as an individual and treatment plans are designed to treat you as a whole person and not just your presenting symptoms.
By purchasing this product, you acknowledge that you are aware of and understand the potential risks, contraindications and any possible complications associated with your product selection. Oak Tree Herbal Clinic's Herbal preparations are manufactured under GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices). If you are being treated for any illness and are taking prescription medication for an illness, seek a Health Professionals consent for herbs you might be considering, either alone or as complementary therapies. Do not try to self-diagnosis or attempt self-treatment for serious or long-term problems without first consulting a qualified practitioner or doctor. Always consult a professional if symptoms persist. Information on the web page is for educational purposes only.