Flower Essence - Balga Blackboy
Flower Essence - Balga Blackboy
Positive Qualities
- Maturity
- Assertiveness
- Balancing
Problem Target
- Destructive
- Aggressive
- Insensitive
For the maturing of the male principle or the man within. For both men and women, the promoting of positive creativity, assertiveness, goal setting and achieving, that also nurtures an awareness and appreciation of the needs of the environment and people. Helpful in balancing achievement with life sustaining qualities such as caring and community/family spirit.
Mind – Common Uses:
Used for women and men who find it hard to be forthright and assertive, or whose assertiveness is aggressive and overpowering. Both these indicate a lack of maturity and full development of the masculine strength within.
Commonly used for young boys and girls and adolescents who cannot integrate their new sexuality (the assertive/masculinity) into their being, and are either lacking in their masculine strength, or are out of balance, with the negative, dangerous and destructive side predominant.
Used also for people who cannot tap into their creativity, their ability to go into new territory and explore original and new horizons.
The healing matures the masculine aspect to become a creative and inclusive field of activity which can be both assertive and caring at the same time.
Healing Pathway to the Soul
Within us the creative force blends with the receptive force. If we are to become whole then the two must be at one. Our creative force expresses the power to protect and love the created Universe and to be fearless on our journey forward. The aboriginal people see the Balga and its flower as the warrior standing with his spear watching over the tribe.
Herbal Naturopathic/Nutritional Appointments - in Person and On line
If you would like to have a more tailored approach to your health concerns you can book in to see our Herbal Naturopath. (you will be transferred to our sister companies online booking service) She will look at you as an individual and look into your specific needs through holistic and evidence-based approach to wellness. Herbal Naturopathic principles are based on treating each person as an individual and treatment plans are designed to treat you as a whole person and not just your presenting symptoms.