Blood Mover Salve - Bruises - 30g
Blood Mover Salve - Bruises - 30g
Do you Bruise easily?
Do your bruises take longer than normal to go?
Do you constantly get hit in the same place?
Bruises form when blood accumulates under the skin after an injury or you are hit. Bruises start off black/blue, then brownish/yellow, sometimes they can go purple. Either way bruises can become serious if not treated properly. Sometimes when bruises go away the blood can still be clotted under the skin.
Our Blood mover salve has herbs that have been traditionally used to get that blood moving. The herbs penetrated deep into your tissue and helps the blood to start circulating.
How to Use:
Just open your jar of balm and gently rub your fingers over the surface. You do not need to break the surface. The heat from your hands will melt and transfer a little bit onto your fingertips. From there simply rub the balm into hands or any area where you have irritation. By using this method, you can apply a little bit at a time and stop before skin feels greasy.
Other products that can support this wonderful herb are our Anti-inflammatory Herbal Tea Blend, our Anti Inflammatory Glycetract, Inflammation Pack or choose one of our 8 week Health and Wellness programs. Book in to see our Herbal Naturopathy – detail below
Ingredients: Safflower oil, Beezwax, Herbal extracts of Solomon Seal, Yarrow and Cayenne
Herbal Naturopathic/Nutritional Appointments - in Person and On line
If you would like to have a more tailored approach to your health concerns you can book in to see our Herbal Naturopath. (you will be transferred to our sister companies online booking service) She will look at you as an individual and look into your specific needs through holistic and evidence-based approach to wellness. Herbal Naturopathic principles are based on treating each person as an individual and treatment plans are designed to treat you as a whole person and not just your presenting symptoms.