About Me

My main passion is herbs and all I do is live and breathe them. I bought a 5-acre organic piece of heaven about 24 years ago (1999) in Gabbadah, just north of Perth, Western Australia, where I grow a lot of my herbs I use in all my products. To learn more about me click "About us" above.

All my products are made in small batches so they remain fresh when they arrive on your doorstep.

I am also a Herbal Naturopath and if you would like to take back control of your health naturally and not sure where to start make an appointment to see me and I will show you how.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch via my contact page.

Herbal Naturopath Blog

Beyond mere words, our blogs are an invitation to explore the transformative power of natural solutions. Dive into the ocean of herbal remedies, where each article holds the potential to empower you on your journey to holistic health. Discover not just what herbs to take but why, as we decode the science behind the age-old wisdom of botanical medicine.


Online Consultations

Opt for the convenience of online consultations without compromising on the quality of care. Through virtual sessions, we bridge the gap between you and our Herbal Naturopath, bringing holistic wellness to the comfort of your home. Embrace the flexibility to schedule appointments that align with your busy lifestyle, making your health a priority no matter where you are.

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Online Shop

Step into our online store, your virtual portal to a realm of natural well-being. Discover a thoughtfully curated assortment of herbal remedies and wellness products designed to enhance not only your health journey but also that of your beloved pets. Conveniently explore our offerings from the comfort of your home, each product meticulously crafted to support various facets of well-being. Whether you're searching for herbal solutions to address specific health concerns or aiming to boost overall vitality, our online shop serves as a secure and user-friendly platform. Embrace the ease of online shopping as you prioritize your well-being and that of your pets with our carefully selected products.

See what we have